Friday, December 6, 2013

Looking Ahead to Happiness

There are so many things that I'm looking forward to this month, and the first few months to follow. I can't wait to celebrate so many special occasions with my loved ones and spend quality time with the people who continually contribute to making my life as great as it is.

Photo belonging to the Etsy shop Sarah Says Sew

Here's a list of what I'm looking forward to these next couple of months!
  • Finishing my first quarter ever at university! I'm excited to see what my final grades are and how I did in my classes. Fingers crossed that I'll have a good GPA!
  • Celebrating my 4th Christmas and 3rd year anniversary with Chris. Nothing is more exciting then being reminded how much you are loved, and for the past 3 years, Chris has never missed a beat. I'm lucky to have such a great, caring man in my life!
  • Being able to spend quality time at home with my family for the holidays. I haven't spent more than a couple of days at home since I've been at school (for obvious reasons - I'm at school!) so it will be nice to relax and hang out with my parents and siblings!
  • My nephew turning 3! Unfortunately I won't get to see him on his birthday this Thursday, and he's sick with a flu (poor baby!) but I will get to celebrate his birthday sometime with him. There's nothing better than a cute little toddler!
  • Spending time with my closest friends! There are a lot of people I haven't seen since before the quarter started who I would love to spend time with. My best friends back at home could never be replaced or forgotten, so I'm excited to catch up and be together!
  • For New Year's Eve, Chris and I are going to Resolution, an all night concert ("rave") which I am so excited for! I've never done anything really amazing for New Year's, so this will be so fun and I can't wait to get my New Year's kiss from him!
  • In January, Chris turns 20! I can't wait to celebrate his first year in the 20s and buy him an amazing gift! 
  • My best friend Gabi, who moved to New Zealand in 2011, is finally moving back here for good in February! I couldn't be more excited, knowing she's coming back and staying here! Video chatting just isn't the same as being together in person.
  • The Delta Tau Delta formal is also in February, and I'm so excited! Last year it was so fun - every year the entire fraternity rents a hotel in Leavenworth, a beautiful Bavarian inspired town, where they hold their winter formal! Now that I know more people in the fraternity and am more comfortable with them, I know this year will be even better than last! Plus I can't wait to whip out my gold dress.
  • My brother turns 17 the first week of February. 17 isn't the biggest deal, but it will be nice to celebrate that with him too! Birthdays are always nice to spend with loved ones.

I hope I didn't bore anyone too much! I'm just so excited for these next three months. Life is really turning around, and I have a lot to look forward to and be thankful for.
Cheers to a bright future, happy holidays, and spending time with loved ones!

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