
Happy fall! The past two years have made me really learn to appreciate this season for what it is. I used to be very apprehensive towards fall and the colder months, but I've come to love layering, the clouds, and the festivities. This year I've really celebrated the season. My roommate from school last year Lindsey and I went to a pumpkin patch in Snohomish with one of her friends. The Farm at Swan's Trail is just down the road from my house and honestly of the greatest farms and pumpkins patches around, and the perfect place to celebrate fall with loved ones. Aside from a petting zoo, various food and drink options, hayrides, tractor rides, playgrounds, a huge beautiful venue space, and a Washington state corn maze (the maze includes Washington cities as intersections, etc.!), Swan's Trail has an enormous pumpkin patch, guaranteeing you'll find your perfect pumpkin. It's the most family friendly, vibrant, fun, and positive space around! I bought a cup of local fresh pressed apple cider and apple cider donuts, which were amazing.
As every girl in every pumpkin patch around, I wore my Hunter rain boots (they're perfect and make me feel invincible while in the patch). I also brought out my burgundy jeggings from Hollister, which may have paired badly with my red Hollister jacket... It was chilly! My vest and sweater (similar) are from Old Navy and my monogrammed necklace from Ameera Noor.
What are you doing this fall to celebrate the season?

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