Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Weekly Goals #4

Last week was a little crazy for me. I was in bed sick, I had a lot of reading to do for my classes, my best friend who moved to New Zealand moved back, and I went on the Delts winter formal during the weekend. It was a lot! Unfortunately, I didn't fulfill my goals. The weather wasn't very nice for photos, and visiting the rec center wasn't a priority of mine. This week, though, I believe my goals will be reached.

{Study for 5 hours for my Canadian Studies midterm}

{Prepare for my internship meeting this Friday}

Even though I'm already in my second quarter of college (what?!), studying is still a struggle for me. I've made it a goal of mine to dedicate 5 hours before Wednesday morning to studying for my Canadian Studies midterm. 5 hours sounds like a lot to me, but I know compared to many others, it's nothing. I want to change my study habits so I can receive successful grades. Like the quote above, if I don't change my study habits, my grades won't improve. I also have a meeting with a woman I know this Friday in Seattle about a summer internship. I'm very excited and want to prepare myself fully for the meeting!

I hope everyone has a great week! Here's a little quote, just for fun.



  1. I love both of these quotes! Great inspiration!

    XOXO, Kate



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